a podcast highlighting:
ordinary people doing

This is me
'What It's Like ... With Luce' is an interview style show highlighting ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
Born out of a fascination with success stories and the mechanisms of the human mind, I am on a mission to pick the brains of those who felt the fear and did it anyway.
Since launching in January, there have been multiple episodes released twice weekly, each following the career journeys of accomplished entrepreneurs, trendsetters and tastemakers.
Ranging from founders of popular food chains, to viral internet personalities, tech CEOs, wealth management moguls and inspiring individuals, the diversity of the interviewees are tied together by a common factor - success.
Going live across seven platforms every Monday morning at 7am and Thursday at 12pm, the podcast is hosted by Anchor.fm and presented by multimedia journalist, Lucy Carol Norris (@lucenorris).
Candid conversations with real people
who felt the fear
did it anyway!
what they're
"Great Listen!"
"Such a lovely host!! Learnt a ton already and looking forward to seeing this podcast grow."
"Really pleasant podcast. Luce has a great voice and does a wonderful job of encouraging her guests to open up and share!"